XYZ: Something big is probably going on with your Dad too to have made such a turnabout in his thinking on this matter so quickly ..keep an eye on him, I'm seeing red flags.
Dude, you may have struck a nerve. First of all, you do not know my family or myself. Second of all, if you are going to make a statement such as you did, qualify it!!!!. What do you mean something big? Keep an eye on him? I'm seeing red flags!!!
Having 40 plus years as a JW, my thinking was as a JW. But I always questioned things, as they related to men's conduct, ie: Elders. When I was appointed as a MS, within 2 weeks or so an elder involved me in a lie to try to get another elder removed. This story is posted already. I do realize not every post is read, Hell, no one has time for that. To make this story short, in my JW career, I have no less than 3 times written the society complaining about Elders conduct, CO's conduct, and how when these men lie, it does disqualify them from serving. So I have pushed the envelope so to speak. As Gojira stated about 10 years ago I did get my ear pierced. Guess what, I DID NOT consult with any elder regarding this. I did read what the WT mags said about this, Guess what? It's a conscience matter!!! Same as a tattoo. The qualifying statement is this, If it is culturely accepted, then it is a conscience matter. Guess what?? tattoos are culturely accepted. Although some are not in good taste, by my standards, some are exisite. In fact I have personally stopped people on the street and ask to look at their tattoo. I am an artist in my own right, and I do admire this type of art work. And perhaps some day I might get one myself. My objection with Gojira at the time of the discussion of her getting a tatoo was this. Three days prior, the local news media ran a story, stating that local tattoo parlors were again getting dirty. Not properly sterilizing needles and even having tainted ink. CAUTION< CAUTION< CAUTION< I cannot say at first my thinking did not revert back to prior JW thinking, it did, and Gojira recognized this, she also stated she did not see that news story. So she did extensive research and sought out a reputable tattoo parlor. My daughter has always listened to my thoughts on matters and has taken them to heart, but having her own conscience, I have also let her exercise it. Besides she is a married adult and has her own head, but she still respects my opinions. And I hers.
Now, as far as rebellion is concerned. It's a broad statement. She is not rebelling morally as some would think. Her tattoo and my ear piercing is a act of rebelling against the mind controll cult, that call itself Jehovah's witnesses. Thus one reason why I could not reach out any further than MS. I always did my own thinking, and called to account men who sidestepped the authority of the BIBLE!!. If you have also read any of my comments or threads I try to remember to end with this statement. (I will surrender my mind no more, forever). As long as we fear getting outted, by friends or family, the cult that calls itself Jehovahs Witnesses, still controls our minds. I too still have family that are very much active in this religion. That is a price we all must pay sooner or later.
The big thing going on in my life is this. One confirmed LIE can and will change your entire outlook on life especially as it relates to your GOD given conscience!!!!!! So yes there is something BIG going on in my life its called FREEDOM!!! I can, and so can Gojira, think for ourselves without any cult controlling what we do and think!!!! Even the freedom to change it as it suits me!!!!! As long as it hurts no one.
So when you see the word rebellion, don't be so quick to think the worst. Rebellion, as in this case is mental rebellion. Not morally.
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)